Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The entry will be deleted. And dar.. I love you. HeheZz...
love y
4:32 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
She says:
Sometimes, is it when you lose something then only you will learn to appreciate it or blame yourself that why didn't you appreciate it earlier? I treasure this relationship a lot. I feel that i had tried my best to understand you and be understanding. But your action just now is just so disappointing. You said you've hurt your back. But you have the energy to do it, don't have the energy to accompany me to the coffee shop. The route to the coffee shop is so dark and few people walk there as it was rather late already. You can't hear from my tone that i'm a bit irritated. So you actually doesn't care if anything bad were to happen to me. If you really want to do something, no matter what setbacks you have you will still do it. Like when we do it just now, you can endure the pain. Maybe "relationship isn't all about sex" only apply initially. To me relationship is about love, concern and a lot of things. Maybe you're boring of me. I don't know. I really hope i can be ignorant. But it's difficult.
Just now would be the just right time to tell my mother about us. But i feel that maybe you're not the one. After being together with me for so long, sometimes you don't know when i feel down and when i need you. I know you would feel sad or irritated after reading this but i still have to say it out. I feel and you know that i've been trying to understand you for whatever you did. I feel that the things i get in return is your unattentiveness. OK, so from now on, i wouldn't be so understanding then. We shall see. Good night!
love y
2:13 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
HeheZz... look at our past photos!
love y
1:21 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
She says:
Why is it that it's been a long time and i haven't see you blog? Well, you're tried? You're busy? Never mind. I feel very what towards this relationship. I don't know what's the right word. Tried? Not really the right word to describe my feelings. Sad? Disappointed? Why would i have this 2 feelings. Definitely not boring. HaiZz... k lar.. i going to eat my lunch.. BB
love y
12:31 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Avoid or limit your use of caffeine (coffee, tea, sodas, chocolate), decongestants, alcohol and tobacco.
Exercise more often, but don't exercise within a few hours before going to bed.
Learn to reduce or manage the stress in your life.
Don't lie in bed worrying about things. Set aside another time just for worrying. For example, spend 30 minutes after dinner writing down what's worrying you and what you can do about it.
Try eating a light snack before going to bed, but don't eat too much right before bedtime. A glass of warm milk or some cheese and crackers may be all you need.
Don't nap during the day if naps seem to make your insomnia worse.
· Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends, even if you didn't get enough sleep. This will help train your body to sleep at night.
· Develop a bedtime routine. Do the same thing every night before going to sleep. For example, take a warm bath and then read for 10 minutes every night before going to bed. Soon you'll connect these activities with sleeping, and doing them will help make you sleepy.
· Use the bedroom only for sleeping or having sex. Don't eat, talk on the phone or watch TV while you're in bed.
· Make sure your bedroom is quiet and dark. If noise is a problem, use a fan to mask the noise or use ear plugs. If you must sleep during the day, hang dark blinds over the windows or wear an eye mask.
· If you're still awake after trying to fall asleep for 30 minutes, get up and go to another room. Sit quietly for about 20 minutes before going back to bed. Do this as many times as you need to until you can fall asleep.
What is a sleep diary?
If the cause of your insomnia is not clear, your doctor may suggest that you fill out a sleep diary. The diary will help you keep track of when you go to bed, how long you lie in bed before falling asleep, how often you wake during the night, when you get up in the morning and how well you sleep.
Sleep with Your Head Facing North
And, obviously -- unless you have a particularly unusual body -- your feet facing south. This aligns your body with the magnetic field of the planet, bringing your own energies into harmony with those of the Earth. Sound like a pretty bizarre theory? Try it. You'll see what a difference it makes.
Don't Watch TV or Read Before Going to Bed
Wait at least one-half hour (preferably longer) before going to bed after reading or watching television. We know; some people say that reading a detective story or some such escapist book helps put them to sleep. If it works for them, great. But it seldom worked for us. And it probably hasn't worked for you either.
The reason is that no matter how passively we watch television, or how innocuous the book we read is, our minds are still being stimulated. And an overstimulated mind -- along with anxiety and stress -- is what keeps us awake. It's all those thoughts in our head we have to get rid of before we can get to sleep. The last thing we need is more input into our heads from television or books.
Toe Wiggling
A relaxed body is essential for a sound sleep. This may sound like we're contradicting what we just said about our minds keeping us awake, but it's no contradiction. Eastern sciences (such as yoga) have known for thousands of years that the mind and body are connected (actually they're not just connected, they're one, but the idea that they're connected is sufficient for our purposes here.) So if the mind is not relaxed, the body is not relaxed. Conversely, the body has to be relaxed for the mind to be relaxed. It's a package deal.
So how do you relax your body? We've already mentioned milk, herbal teas, exercise, and avoiding caffeine. But there are techniques you can do directly with your body. Toe Wiggling is one of them.
Lie on your back (where you should be in the first place) and wiggle your toes up and down 12 times, wiggling the toes of both feet at the same time. This will relax your entire body, inside and out.
How does it work? According to the science of Reflexology -- which has been around in other cultures for thousands of years -- your feet are a kind of master control panel for the rest of your body. "Meridians" in the body -- which are those channels of energy treated by acupuncture -- end up in the feet. So the ends of those meridians in your feet connect with every organ and every part of your entire body.
When you wiggle your toes, you are stimulating -- and thus relaxing -- your entire body. (Incidentally, this is a good place to mention that you can be energized and relaxed at the same time. It's a matter of the quality of that energy. If it flows freely and smoothly, you will be relaxed. If the energy flow in your body is restricted or blocked, you will be tense. And toe wiggling helps to bring about a relaxing, free-flowing energy.)
Note: This same exercise is also great first thing in the morning before getting out of bed in order to energize the body.
Stomach Rub
This soothes down the digestive system and helps to bring about a deeper relaxation. An extra benefit is that it will help you to lose weight by improving the functioning of the digestive system.
Simply lie on your back and place your hand on your navel. Begin to make small circles in a clockwise direction as you gently glide your hand over your stomach. Let your circles gradually become bigger and bigger. When your circles reach the outside of your stomach, gradually reduce their size until you are back at your navel again. Then reverse the direction (to counter-clockwise) and do the same thing again. Repeat this whole series with your other hand. Do this several times.
Note: Food material moves through the colon in a clockwise direction. If you have trouble with constipation, make all your circles clockwise. If troubled by diarrhea, make all your circles counter-clockwise. Clockwise circles will alleviate the blockage, counter-clockwise circles will help solidify fecal material.
Progressive Relaxation
This exercise is most effective when you tape record the instructions in advance, preferably in your own voice. This way you don't have to concentrate on remembering the instructions.
We'll give you the instructions here. You tape record them, with a short pause after each sentence to allow yourself time to actually do the sensing and relaxing.
Lie on your back, close your eyes, and begin to listen to the tape.
Feel your feet. Feel the weight of your feet. Feel your feet relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your lower legs. Feel the weight of your lower legs. Feel your lower legs relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your knees. Feel the weight of your knees. Feel your knees relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your upper legs. Feel the weight of your upper legs. Feel your upper legs relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your hands. Feel the weight of your hands. Feel your hands relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your lower arms. Feel the weight of your lower arms. Feel your lower arms relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your elbows. Feel the weight of your elbows. Feel your elbows relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your upper arms. Feel the weight of your upper arms. Feel your upper arms relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your buttocks. Feel the weight of your buttocks. Feel your buttocks relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your back. Feel the weight of your back. Feel your back relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your pelvic and belly area. Feel the weight of your pelvic and belly area. Feel your pelvic and belly area relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your chest. Feel the weight of your chest. Feel your chest relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your shoulders. Feel the weight of your shoulders. Feel your shoulders relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your neck, both front and back. Feel the weight of your neck. Feel your neck relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your skull. Feel the weight of your skull. Feel your skull relax and sink into the bed.
Feel your mouth. Feel any tension in your mouth. Feel your mouth relax and any tension slide off into the bed.
Feel your eyes. Feel any tension in your eyes. Feel your eyes relax and any tension slide off into the bed.
Feel your entire face. Feel any tension in your face. Feel your face relax and let any tension slide off into the bed.
Mentally scan your body. If you find any place that's still tense, relax it and let it sink into the bed.
Deep Breathing
One of the main reasons many of us are tense is our breathing. Most people breathe very shallowly, using only the top part of their lungs. Deep Breathing allows us to use our entire lungs, providing more oxygen to our bodies, and energizing and rejuvenating every organ and cell in our bodies. It is probably the most effective and beneficial method of relaxation we've seen.
Lie on your back.
Slowly relax your body, starting with your feet and moving through every part of your body until you have reached -- and relaxed -- your face and scalp.
Do a quick check to see if you've missed any place. If so, relax it.
Slowly begin to inhale, first filling your lower belly, then your stomach area, and then your chest and the top of your lungs almost up to your shoulders. Hold for a second or two, then begin to exhale. Empty the very bottom of your lungs first, then the middle, then finally the top.
Continue this breathing for 4 or 5 minutes. Don't force your breathing; it's not a contest to see how much air you can take in. Just do it in a relaxed, peaceful manner.
After a while, imagine that you are resting on a warm, gentle ocean. The sun is shining peacefully on your body. Imagine that you rise on the gentle swells of the water as you inhale, and that you slowly descend as you exhale.
Continue this relaxing breathing as long as you wish (hopefully until you fall asleep).
Note: This is particularly effective when you do it after Progressive Relaxation -- if you haven't already fallen asleep!
Visualize Something Peaceful
Just lie there with your eyes closed and imagine you're in your very favorite, most peaceful place. It may be on a sunny beach, swinging in a hammock in the mountains or your back yard, or all alone in a cave in the Himalayas.
Wherever it is, imagine you are there. You can see your surroundings, hear the peaceful sounds, smell the fragrance of the flowers, and feel the warmth of the sun or whatever sensations are there. Just relax and enjoy it -- and drift off to sleep.
Once you've found a place that's especially peaceful and effective, you'll find that the more you use it, the more you can count on it to help you relax and get to sleep. Its comfort and familiarity will make it more and more effective.
Visualize Something Boring
We like this one in particular. The beauty of it is you can turn a negative into a positive. Just visualize that you are someplace that you have always found extremely boring. It could be listening to a particular teacher who was so boring that he or she almost always put you to sleep. Perhaps it's some friend or acquaintance whose incessant talk and theories put you to sleep. Maybe it's your work, maybe it's your commute each day.
Whatever it is, visualize it. And recapture that bored, tired, heavy, sleepy feeling that you always experience. Let that feeling spread through your mind and all through your body till you're filled with complete tiredness and sleepiness. It works.
Imagine It's Time to Get Up
This is a neat one too. Kind of a variation on the previous technique. Imagine that you're not allowed to go to sleep. Imagine that your morning alarm has gone off and it's time to get up and go to work. You know how delicious that feeling is in the morning when it's time to get up but you're so tired and your eyes are very heavy and you shouldn't do it but you just want to fall right back to sleep for a few minutes more?
Well, we find you can often bring that about just by imagining as fully and realistically as possible that it's morning, that you have to get up, put your feet on a cold floor, stagger around the house, take a cold shower, and do whatever unpleasant things you associate with getting up in the morning. The more unpleasantly you can imagine it, the more you won't want to do it. And the more you'll just want to stay in bed and sleep. Try it. You'll be surprised how tired and sleepy your mind can make your body.
Quiet Ears
This technique is an ancient Eastern meditation as well as a great way to fall asleep.
Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, fingers interlocked, and your palms cupping the back of your head. Get as relaxed as possible (This position make take a little while to get used to).
Place your thumbs in your ears so that you are pressing the outer flap of your ear and blocking the entrance to the ear canal.
Lie quietly and listen for a high-pitched sound that you will gradually hear inside your head.
Lie there for 10 to 15 minutes and concentrate on that sound. Then put your arms to your sides and go to sleep. (Don't worry about all the stories of people who have ringing in their ears. This is different -- and natural.)
Not Thinking
"I have one method that never fails to put me to sleep. As long as I'm 'decently' tired, i.e., not trying to overdo it, it's bedtime, etc., I just lie down, close my eyes, and concentrate on 'not thinking'. This often becomes a competition of my strength of will versus my instinct to think. Occasionally a pinprick of an idea strikes you, but you just have to ignore it, and it always puts me to sleep in about two minutes. It's better then just lying there. "- Lance
"Force yourself to yawn two or three times. This followed by the relaxation exercises you discuss will help signal your mind that it is time for sleep. Thanks for the good advice." - Joaquin
Sex—Alone or with Others
"My husband and I have another solution: sex or masturbation. That usually helps you fall asleep." -Jennifer
South, Not North
"I suggest you amend the tip on "sleeping with the head pointing North". It has long been known in India that sleeping this way is damaging to mind and body, and that burying the dead with the head pointing northward makes the body decay more quickly. The premise is that the body can be seen as a large magnet, with the head as the north pole and the feet as the south pole. Since unlike poles attract, it is best to have the feet (south pole) facing North. This results in minimal blood circulation and low activity in the brain, and therefore more restful sleep."- Ron
Hot Water Bottle
"To help you sleep after a high stress day, lie down with a hot water bottle on your stomach, close your eyes and breath deeply, so the bottle rises and falls. We carry a lot of tension there and the weighted heat releases it." – Elaine
Another one…
Limit your consumption of caffeine (coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas), and don't have any for at least 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. its effects can also last for as long as 20 hours.
Get plenty of sunlight in the outdoors, especially in late afternoon.
If watching the clock makes you anxious about sleep, turn the clock so you can't see it or put it in a drawer.
Reserve the bedroom for sleeping and sexual activity. A bit of light reading may help you fall asleep, but if it doesn't, do your reading elsewhere in the house. Avoid watching television in bed.
Set aside time for problem solving earlier in the day so you don't carry anxious thoughts to bed. Try writing down your worries in a "worry book," then set it aside well before bedtime.
Yes, you tend to feel sleepy after a heavy meal, but the trick's on you: heavy meals actually keep you awake as your digestive system puts in some overtime. Also, avoid spicy and fatty foods that cause heartburn, MSG (found most commonly in Chinese food), and foods that cause gas. However, the right kind of eating can improve the quality of sleep as much as undermine it. No matter how much it pains you to admit it, your mother was right about the milk thing. Milk has an amino acid that the body converts to a sleep-enhancing compound in the brain. Calcium is a natural relaxing agent along with several other
vitamins such as the B vitamins and magnesium.
If hunger bothers you at night, have a light snack before bedtime. Some foods in particular promote production of
melatonin, a hormone associated with the onset of sleep. Among these desirable snacks are cottage cheese, soy nuts, chicken, pumpkinseeds, and turkey. That's why you're such a slug after your Thanksgiving meal. Finally, high-carbohydrate foods such as bread act upon another essential hormone, serotonin, which reduces anxiety and contributes to refreshing sleep.
Sleeping pills
As we stated before, those with transient insomnia get the greatest benefit from sleeping pills. As a general rule, you should take them for the shortest time and in the lowest doses as possible. You must be EXTREMELY careful with sleeping pills; they only remain effective for 2-3 weeks, at which point you may develop a tolerance for (or addiction to) them.
The most commonly prescribed pills come from the benzodiazephine family; however, they do tend to have side effects, including a "hangover" feeling, motor coordination problems, memory loss, and low levels of alertness. Many Americans, nevertheless, seem to believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks - as many as 5-8% of the adult population in Western countries uses sleeping pills more than once a week.
Dar.. i've read more than this.So i hope you'll read all of it and it will be of some help..MuckZz...
love y
10:06 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
She says:
Yesterday, you told me have i realise that our relationship is becoming stale. I feel like asking you this question: " What have you done to make this relationship not as blunt as before?". But i didn't ask. Instead i only say the honeymoon period is over. Dar, i've tried my best like what i've said to you yesterday. But the problem is not with me; it's with you. I've tried to spend as much time as i can with you. You need time by yourself, i can give you. I really don't know what's wrong. Sometimes, thinking about it is quite saddening. Despite all my effort, you say all these to me. And not think of ways to alleviate the situation. Do you think i don't realise? All the promises i tried to follow like talking on phone every night is because i scare this day will come. I've done everything to try to make this relationship that bad such that only break up is the solution. So can you tell me what have i done wrong? I think i am losing the enthusiasm to maintain this relationship also. I don't know why. Yet part of me don't want to break up. Dar, i want you to answer me this question.What is your defination of a perfect relationship?
And please reply in this blog. I'm going to take a break. tata~+
love y
5:14 PM